
Making education possible
The Convention of the Rights of the Child says it clearly: Every child has a right to education. Ethiopia is one of the nations which has signed this convention. So, theoretically, in Ethiopia school education is free and accessible to all children.
Yet many children are not able to go to school, because they have to contribute through their labour to the livelihood of their families. They are on the street all day, begging or selling handkerchiefs and other things to tourists. Having no encouragement during their childhood, they are not able to take full control of their lives later.
Abugida wants to break this vicious circle. The project enables a school education for Ethiopian street children by giving financial help to their families.

Developing personal responsibility
You may ask the question: Where is the personal responsibility in this approach? The Ethiopian government should recognize the problem and create scholarships for these children. Their parents should realize that a school education is greatly important for their children's future. Unfortunately, this ideal is not realised in real life! The Ethiopian government does not mobilise its institutional structures and financial resources in order to help the street children. There is no social support system, so poor families have to rely on child labour to augment their incomes. Moreover, many children have lost at least one of their parents to disease. For these children it is important to act now! The Support given to these children today will create the chance for them to take responsibility for their own lives and for their society tomorrow.

Taking little steps toward a better world
At present, Abugida is able to support 20 children. This may not seem manycompared to the huge number of children having to live on the street in Ethiopia right now. However, it does matter a great deal if you take into consideration that these 20 children would have no hope whatsoever for their future were they not currently supported by the Abugida project.

Help us to extend our project, so that more children can benefit from it!