How does Abugida work?

Abugida helps children in Gondar and Bahir Dar. There are actually 20 former street children from 17 families who are between 6 and 18 years old.

The first children to be supported were chosen by the initiators of the project. These days, the decision is taken by the Abugida project workers based in Ethiopia following consultation with the Abugida association in Germany. As a basic rule it was decided that brothers and sisters of existing Abugida sponsored children will be favored.

The children go to private schools, so the Association pays their school fees. This might seem strange at the first glance, since education is free in Ethiopia. But former street children need special attention and special support which unfortunately they won't get in public school.

Basic principles
– payment of the cost of living for the children and their families
– payment of the school fees and learning aids
– Education in private schools
– Priority for brothers and sisters when new children are chosen
– additional financial aid in individual cases (e.g. those suffering from diseases or conditions requiring medical care)
– Low administration costs due to voluntary work

Responsibility for the project is taken jointly by people in Germany and Ethiopia. The Association, Abugida e.V. collects and manages the donations and develops the project. The Ethiopian collaborators take care of the distribution of the money to families, children and schools. They go to see the children periodically, they are in contact with the teachers and they report to Germany.